Saturday 14 July 2018

70 - SOLD !

A baby is very precious only if it is not an unwanted child.  There are so many cases where the girl becomes pregnant against her will, through rape, or for want of a good contraceptive.  So even if she is married, the baby may not be welcome or then if it a second or third girl child, then the family may want to give it away or even finish it off.  Sometimes the baby can be physically or mentally retarded, and the mother will want to get rid of it, she may not be in a position to care for the special child and so will give it away or leave it at the doorstep of a christian missionary home,

My personal experience is that Christian nuns, especially the Mother Teresa charities, care for babies in any condition.  There are centers that allow adoption through legal procedures.  But my personal opinion is that if that process is too restricted and costly, then let a family that is sincere 'buy' a baby.  The money is given to the mother, she does it of her own free will.  At least the baby has a chance to grow in a good nurturing environment.  If the mother is too poor to care for her baby, the baby wil become sick, or be made to beg. 

Some prominent public figures, like Karan Johar, Shahrukh Khan and Tushaar Kapoor, got a baby through surrogacy, some of them  without even getting married.  So, if you are rich, do the rules change?  A middle class couple would not be able to afford surrogacy, so let them adopt, or even if that is too expensive, let them buy a baby, is my personal opinion.

Hindu folklore and Bollywood films have so many stories of babies that were abandoned and then adopted by other foster parents through fate.

Anyone who can be the best parents for a baby should be allowed to parent an unwanted child.

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