Saturday 14 May 2016


Every baby is born an innocent living thing.  ECCE  explained how the foetus can absorb the emotions of the mother and how the infant's behaviour and growth is affected by the environment and the persons around,  how nutrition affects the physical growth and how immitation nurtures the emotional growth.   Genetics also plays a small say in both the areas.  But no parent wants to bring up a murderer or a goonda.   No parent would willfully want their progeny to be criminals.

In spite of our nurturing, each one of us develops bad habits and  sometimes it can unleash a monster that causes sorrow to others.  Someone can become a chain smoker and pollute the family air, another can be a persistant liar and get away with petty sins,  a shoplifter,  a wife beater,  a boaster,  a drunkard,  a rapist,  a stalker............

If  one introspects, it is extra money or indulgences that lead to vices.   A rich minister pampers his son with unlimited cash, cars, guns, and the most dangerous item,  the gall to do whatever the son takes a fancy to, without any worry for the havoc this behaviour may cause.  And this leads to a Rocky Yadav  in Bihar,  who can kill an innocent like Aditya without qualms.  Power perpetuates goonda raj.

The gun licensing authority of India should issue a gun, but the latent clause that accompanies possession, should be that that individual must work at the border for 6 months.  This clause will ensure that these gun owners develop an empathy for the injuries that can result, and the positive use that a weapon should be put to.

But if the crime has already been committed, then the individual should be forced to join the armed forces and be sent to the border for life.   If the culprit is sent for life imprisonment, it is not beneficial to anyone.  The government should put this trigger happy person to positive use.

By the way, Mr Arnab Goswami of Times Now,  you so vehemently condemn such wayward deeds of powerful politicians,  that we hope that it doesn't backlash onto you personally.   But it is heartening to note that at least our fourth estate can kindle justice for the wronged,  who would otherwise be silenced.  And it seems so,  with the shoot outs of two journalists in Bihar. 


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