Sunday 29 May 2016


I spent my childhood in Pune, surrounded with small buildings of upto 2 storeys and then when I was a teenager, the buildings were becoming taller and upto ten to fifteen floors.  I used to visit my aunt in Mumbai, who had a home on the fourth floor of a building.  The only problem was that it had no lift.  But the view from the balcony was wonderful.

Now I live in Mumbai, in a multi-storey building and I have never been so lonely among so many 'neighbours'.  The main interaction with others residing here, is in the elevator.  the cliche question 'How are you?'  and the cliche answer 'Am fine.'  Or sometimes it is the weather that is mentioned and heads are nodded in unison.

So it may be seen as an advantage that there are no nosey prods.  But if you assume that then you are so so mistaken.  Each and everyone is very aware of the going-ons of everyone else.  The first gossiper is the 'bai' who works in your house and maybe ten other neighbours' houses.  And there are the drivers and watchmen, who congregate daily and have ALL the details of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING, with a very up-to-date news of all residents.  Then there is the daily newspaper vendor, who is always informed if anyone is going to be out of town.  The daily bread and egg vendor, who rings doorbells twice a day, to sell his wares, and in the process, becomes familiar with every family in the building.  The watchmen who just have to keep an eye on comings and goings, are the ones who know the schedules of all the residents.

A birthday,  a navjote,  a marriage,  a funeral,  all happenings are known to the entire building, and if one is not invited, it causes a lot of bad blood.  In that case,  the routine 'How are you?' also is lost. 

There arise many reasons for confrontations.  Similar surnames means that letters get delivered to the incorrect recipient often.  Someone takes away your servant by offering her a little more salary.  The neighbours on either side get fumigation done for cockroach infestation and your house is suddenly flooded with refugee cockroaches.  The naughty grandson of so-and-so, rings your door bell and runs away, to watch you wonder who the visitor had been.  A servant from one of the neighbours always spits near the elevator door.  The dhobi who visits the other neighbour,  leaves his baggage and blocks your door while he is completing his transactions.

But there are as many blessings too.  You can watch a baby grow into a little lady and smile when you come face to face in the lift, of course.  Or you get a wedding invite to the wedding of the boy who was just a teen when you saw him first.  The old bachelor who always cracks a joke whenever you meet him, in the elevator of course.

A multi-story building is like a little village.  And the co operative society committee is the governing body that everyone obeys. 


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