Monday 9 February 2015


I visit the market  almost daily.   Mostly to buy fruit.  But lately the strawberries seem lack luster.   Actually  these were my main purchase because strawberries are a cancer preventive.  Since I lost my husband to the disease,  I wanted to use preventive measures to keep his children safe.   But to my sorrow,  it has now occurred to me  that that is not the only cause of malaise that can affect humans,,,there are emotional stresses that can kill too.

So now the strawberries do not seem so important in my scheme of things.

This season of grapes and oranges and pomegranates was always a delight for me.    Buying wholesale and then juicing the fruit was always a source of joy for me because it made my family happy.    But lately it does not make me happy to make anyone else happy,  since a certain visitor has taken away my joy of life.     I never thought that one person could destroy and crush me so.

Now I buy the fruit but have no will to juice it.  They rot and get thrown.   I know what I must do but my will is gone.    The futility of life when dreams are broken and promises are forgotten.  And the worst part is that that person is oblivious to the sorrow that he has caused.

This time shall pass too,  but will never be forgotten.

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