Monday 6 June 2016


An elephant has to be a weighty animal, while a deer is lithe and slim.   Can you say that a crow is overweight or that  a monkey is?  Of course, pets like dogs and cats can be categorised as obese, but that is because they are under human influence.   But humans can be labelled as overweight, and then that person is classified as lazy or greedy or sick in some glandular deficiency,  the thyroid is dysfunctional probably..........

An overweight baby is 'soooo cute'.    An overweight child is classified as its just  'baby fat,  it will wear out'.   But an obese teenager is  a mortified human being, because of the snide remarks and the behind-the-back ridicule.  And then the teenager grows into an eligible young person who is mostly lonely, because fat people are not deemed as good partners,   and so these unfortunate society dropouts take refuge in food and  magnify their problem.  The emotional turmoil becomes a physical suffering, as these fatties resort to any and every solution to a slimmer self.

Gyms advertise 'weight loss' programmes and gain lots of members,  but results are few and not everyone who joins a gym manages to lose weight.  Ads vouching for guaranteed 'weight loss or money back' are plastered inside the local trains and along the railway line walls.  Newspaper ads of ayurvedic products, promise quick weight loss if only you will eat the magical potion that they vend.  And magical weight loss is assured by TV ads showcasing  a 'hot' under belt type of garment of  three layers of  -- -- --,  that only needs to be worn next to the skin to ensure excessive sweating, resulting in weight loss.   One free liposuction for booking three sittings, is plastered all over newspapers and TV ads, showing before and after images, with a dramatic change.

  Bariatric surgery is also resorted to  to achieve the desired reduction.  But there have been too many tragedies associated with this option, unless you can afford 24x7 medical supervision like Neeta Ambani or Nitin Gadkari of the BJP,  did .    Although the patient's stomach is reduced by surgery, their appetite is uncontrolled and then it leads to death.  Many fashion models resort to regurgitation or vomiting, to maintain their zero figure,  leading to death through bulemia.  Princess Diana suffered from this disease and one of its causes is emotional blackmailing by others,  to lose weight.

Usually the male gender gets away with being out of shape.  So many men sport a potbelly and yet portray themselves as macho men.  But women suffer emotionally and tend to go into depression.  And when the wife bears children and looks out of shape,  the wayward husband bandies around with younger and prettier, size zero females.  With modern marvels at their doorstep, many women opt out of motherhood and let their egg be fertilised in a test tube and be implanted into a surrogate mother,  all in a quest to maintain their figure.

The most credible weight loss programme is a controlled diet and a regular exercise regime, and I think Fitbit has got it right.  You just wear the wrist band and it reminds you what not to eat, how many calories you have lost through your daily schedule of exercise or walking or cycling etc,  And it also allows you to compete with your friends online, anywhere in the world, wow!  It is the real weight loss genius of the twenty first century.

You may be overweight and be perfectly healthy,  and comfortable with your image, just like Bharati of Comedy Nights, or Hardy of Laurel and Hardy fame.  Then, let us hope that you stay that way.


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